Our Cows.
The Burwhin herd of pedigree Holstein Friesians was established over 40 years ago. We are a closed herd – we do not buy cows in, we rear all our own heifers, reducing the risk of bringing in disease and allowing bloodlines to continue. Some of our cow families have been at Whin Yeats Farm for over 25 years! Cows enter the herd at around 2 ½ years old having had their first calf. Our oldest cow is Wendy 40 who is 14 years old and has had 11 calves!
Our milk is in the top band nationally for bactoscan and cell count (cleanliness):
• Bactoscan 9 (UK average is 25)
• Cell count 40 (UK average is 161)
We feel this is down to strict hygiene processes and our cows being milked by only Tom, Max & Jenny every day.